Email Congress: Support H. Res. 934

Urge your representatives to support H. Res. 934 now!

We've included tips below to compose your email.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

To make your email have the greatest impact possible, please take a few minutes to write a personal message to your Representative.

Here is a structure you could follow with some key points to elaborate on:

  • Begin the email by telling your Representative that you are contacting them to affirm First Amendment rights for journalists by cosponsoring H. Res. 934, which urges the Department of Justice to drop all charges against award-winning Australian journalist Julian Assange.
  • Mention that prosecuting Julian Assange threatens the First Amendment. If Julian is convicted, future administrations could use the precedent to prosecute journalists globally for doing their job by publishing truthful information.
  • Let them know that press freedom groups, mainstream publishers, and human rights organizations around the world oppose the U.S. prosecution of Julian Assange.
  • Add why you believe journalism is not a crime.
  • Finish the email by asking your Representative to stand up for press freedom by signing on as a cosponsor of H. Res. 934.